Colorado Implements Controversial Waiting Period for Firearm Purchases

Starting October 1st, Coloradans seeking to purchase firearms will face new restrictions imposed by House Bill 23-1219, signed into law by Gov. Jared Polis earlier this year. This law enforces a mandatory three-day waiting period for most firearm purchases, prompting a fierce debate regarding its constitutionality and impact on Second Amendment rights.

Opponents of the law argue that restricting access to firearms infringes upon law-abiding citizens' right to defend themselves and their families. The pro-gun organization Rocky Mountain Gun Owners (RMGO) filed a lawsuit challenging the waiting period in April, contending that it violates the Second Amendment. However, in a surprising turn of events, the lawsuit was voluntarily dismissed without prejudice in August.

This dismissal does not mark the end of the battle for Second Amendment advocates in Colorado. By voluntarily dismissing the lawsuit, RMGO retains the ability to refile it at a later date when circumstances may be more favorable. Their decision to withdraw the lawsuit emphasizes their commitment to persistently fight for the rights of law-abiding gun owners.

In addition to the waiting period, another law raising the minimum age for purchasing firearms to 21 is the subject of ongoing legal contention. Despite going into effect on August 7, a judge issued an order preventing its enforcement until the case is heard in court. RMGO, the same organization that challenged the waiting period law, has also filed a lawsuit against Governor Polis concerning this age restriction.

Critics argue that these laws undermine the ability of responsible gun owners to exercise their constitutional rights while doing little to address the root causes of gun violence. They claim that the focus should be on bolstering mental health resources, improving law enforcement efforts to combat illicit firearms trade, and promoting responsible gun ownership through education and training programs.

Supporters of the legislation maintain that these measures are essential for public safety, aiming to reduce impulsive acts of violence often linked to unregulated firearm access. They believe that implementing waiting periods and raising the minimum age to purchase guns will help prevent tragedies and ensure weapons are responsibly acquired.


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