Colorado Dogs: The Most Spoiled in the US, according to Forbes Advisor Survey

There's no denying the special bond between dogs and their owners. But just how devoted are dog owners to their furry friends? A recent survey conducted by Forbes Advisor of 10,000 dog owners across the country, revealed some fascinating insights into the world of dog ownership.

According to the survey, Colorado takes the top spot as the state with the most devoted dog owners.

Coloradans truly value their dogs and spare no expense when it comes to pampering them. In fact, dogs in Colorado are considered some of the most spoiled in the entire country.

The survey evaluated various metrics to determine the level of devotion among dog owners. These metrics included the amount of money spent on a dog's health, the frequency of bringing the dog on vacation, the preparation of homemade food, the buying of gifts or throwing parties for the dog's birthday, and even the painting of a dog's nails.

One interesting finding from the survey was that more than one in five dog owners have spent more money on Christmas gifts for their dogs than for their friends and family.

It seems that during the holiday season, dogs in Colorado are truly treated like royalty. The survey revealed that 67.2% of respondents buy a holiday gift for their dog, 40.6% purchase a holiday outfit, and 39.8% prepare a special holiday meal for their pups.

So, which states have the most spoiled dogs overall?

According to the survey, Florida takes the top spot, followed by Alaska, Washington, Colorado, and California. On the other hand, the states with the least spoiled dogs were Oklahoma, Indiana, Wisconsin, Idaho, New Mexico, and South Carolina.

When it comes to celebrating their dogs' birthdays, 46% of dog owners in Colorado are likely to throw a party or celebration. Additionally, more than one in four Coloradans have pushed their dogs in a stroller, and over half take their dogs to dog-friendly activities.

Colorado dog owners are also willing to spend money on their pets' health and grooming. In fact, Forbes Advisor found that half of all dog owners in the state reported spending more on their dogs' health and grooming than on their own.

During the holidays, dogs are an important part of spending quality time with loved ones. The survey found that the most popular forms of pet pampering during the holidays include buying the dog a holiday gift, buying a holiday outfit, preparing a special holiday meal, including the dog in a holiday card, and even spending more money on gifts for the dog than for friends and family.


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