The Lobby

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Colorado Democrats Betray Principles by Backing Proposition HH and Proposition II

Only in the progressive paradise of Colorado could we witness such a breathtaking display of Democratic politicians' love for big government. Brace yourselves, as the Democrats present to you Proposition HH and Proposition II, the latest attempts by the far left to extend their grip on our lives.

Proposition HH, touted as an essential step towards affordable housing, is nothing more than a trojan horse for government intervention. Under the guise of helping struggling residents, Democrats are advocating for the expansion of government control over the housing market. They believe in redistributing wealth, seizing property rights, and discouraging personal responsibility. Why let the free market reign when we can have a benevolent government dictate where and how we live?

And Proposition II claims to address educational inequities; It sounds so noble, doesn't it? But this proposition is just another attempt to undermine school choice and entrench the power of teachers' unions.

The Democrats behind these measures claim to care about the underprivileged and disadvantaged, yet they turn a blind eye to the fact that government-run initiatives often perpetuate dependence and stifle innovation. They scoff at the idea of empowering individuals and providing them with choice, all in the name of "equality."

Let's not forget that Proposition HH and Proposition II come with hefty price tags that will burden hardworking Coloradans. The Democrats will spin it as a small investment for the greater good, but we know better. But we understand that every dollar taken from our pockets and put into the hands of the state is another dollar lost to the inefficiency and waste of government bureaucracy.

Colorado Democrats have chosen to ignore the countless examples of failed government interventions and instead double down on their flawed ideology. They conveniently forget the lessons learned from the disastrous consequences of excessive regulation, such as the housing market collapse and the abysmal performance of government-run schools.

It's time to stand up against the encroachment of big government. Proposition HH and Proposition II are just the latest attempts by Colorado Democrats to expand their control and undermine the principles of individual liberty, personal responsibility, and free markets.