Capitol Hill homeless encampment prepares for move, neighbors ready to see it go

Around 70 people living in tents and makeshift shelters near East Eighth Ave. & Logan Street in Capitol Hill are preparing for the city to clean-up and close their encampment, while neighbors said it's well past time for the city to take control and shut it down for good.

"This here is just sad for the neighborhood and the businesses around here. There's no reason for it," said Everett Martin Gallegos, who's apartment sits just feet from the tents, which are now taking over a large section of the sidewalk on Logan St.

The City of Denver said it's moving around 70 people to hotel rooms at an undisclosed location on Monday because of the overwhelming amount of trash, human waste and discarded needles.

"Getting worse day-by-day," said Gallegos.

Notices posted up the sidewalk across the street from the Colorado Governor's mansion show the encampment will be shut down on Tuesday.

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