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Caldara: Special session coming after Prop HH fails

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Proposition HH will fail at the ballot box.

After it does, Gov. Jared Polis will call a special session before the end of the year to address the property tax crisis he created.

He will have little choice.

There are few things more enjoyable than watching Jared Polis not answer simple questions.

At the 9News/Gazette debate last week, he played Olympic-level dodgeball when asked several times if he would call a special session if Prop HH fails.

It wasn’t a trick question. It wasn’t a hard question. It wasn’t an essay question. But it’s always responded to with performance art. Never a “yes” or “no.”

His opponents asked him several times. Finally, the moderator, Marshall Zelinger put it to him point blank, “Governor, what’s your Plan B if HH fails?”

The man can dance like Fred Astaire.

In fairness, if he said he’d call a special session, he’d give voters even more reasons to vote HH down and get a much better special session deal (which will happen). So, he can’t really admit it publicly, but he knows it privately. And so do the rest of us.

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