The Lobby

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Caldara: Odd bedfellows against the Proposition HH tax hike

I’m not the smartest guy around. Just check my Twitter feed (now called X) and you’ll see many, many of the most well-mannered people agreeing with me.

But I think I’m safe in saying if the teachers’ union is pouring gobs of money to pass a ballot question, it most definitely is not a tax cut.

Has the teacher’s union ever endorsed a tax cut?

When the ultra-leftist organization Progress Now endorses Prop HH, there’s a pretty good chance it ain’t a tax cut. Likewise, when have they ever endorsed a tax cut?

The always-tax-slap-happy Bell Policy Center is making sweet love to Prop HH saying, “The additional revenue for schools under Proposition HH will help Colorado students catch up with their peers across the country.”

You see, “additional revenue” is a tax increase, not a tax cut.

Even though Prop HH starts with the very seductive language, “Shall the state reduce property taxes for homes and businesses,” you can be sure it raises more taxes than it cuts. Turns out, a lot more.

You see, when the legislature puts a tax increase on the ballot, they can write it any way they like (that means lie) to tempt you to vote for it.

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