Border patrol warns of large caravan carrying thousands of illegals heading for the U.S. border.

As President Joe Biden's administration faces increasing pressure over the ongoing border crisis, Republicans are sounding the alarm about a massive caravan making its way to the U.S.-Mexico border.

According to the Associated Press, the caravan consists of approximately 7,000 illegal migrants from Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, and Venezuela, making it the largest caravan since last summer.

This latest surge in illegal border crossings has been attributed to the Biden Administration's dismantling of Trump-era policies that successfully kept the southern border secure.

The decision to revoke these policies has served as a clear invitation to migrants looking to enter the U.S. illegally. This is made all the clearer as thousands of migrants chant in support of President Biden, that they know their chances of entering the U.S. have increased under his administration, “BIDEN! BIDEN! BIDEN! BIDEN! BIDEN!”

With Democrats denying the existence of a crisis, it seems that it will be up to Republicans to hold the Administration accountable and take action to secure the southern border. Only time will tell if their efforts will be enough to stop the ongoing influx of illegal migrants and protect our nation's security.

And despite Biden's promise to enforce consequences for illegal entry, the numbers at the border continue to rise as the Administration continues to prioritize open borders over national security.

House Homeland Security Counterterrorism Subcommittee Chairman August Pfluger told Fox News Digital, "The President's policies have incentivized millions of illegal crossings, and I am extremely concerned about the heightened risk of terrorism due to the wide-open southern border."

Pfluger is not alone in his concerns, as other Republicans like Sen. Marsha Blackburn and Sen. Ted Cruz have also warned about the potential threats posed by unchecked illegal immigration, especially in light of the ongoing terrorist war in the Middle East.

As the caravan continues to make its way north, it is evident that President Biden's lax immigration policies are drawing thousands of individuals to the U.S. border, putting Americans at risk.

The situation has become so dire that lawmakers such as Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene have introduced an impeachment resolution against Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, citing his failure to secure the border and protect the American people.


Meanwhile, the Biden Administration is attempting to downplay the crisis and assure the public that the border is secure. However, with over 8 million illegal crossings already recorded under Biden's watch, it's clear that the border is anything but secure.

This latest caravan is just another example of Biden's failure to prioritize national security and enforce immigration laws.


Another Pro-Palestine demonstration on a Colorado campus with the vulgar chant, "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free."


Glorifying the failed policies of the radical left inside the Colorado’s Legislature has dangerous consequences.