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Boebert's Permissive Attitude Towards Teen Pregnancy Raises Concerns for Voters in Both CD3 and CD4

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Colorado Representative and now carpetbagger Lauren Boebert's recent comments about teen pregnancy and her own experiences with contraception have sparked controversy and raised questions about her permissive attitude towards this issue. Both have drawn criticism from conservatives who believe in promoting responsible behavior and traditional family values.

During a House Oversight Committee hearing in May 2023, Boebert shared a personal story about the conception of her third son. She revealed that she couldn't afford her birth control prescription and decided to forgo it, leading to her unintended third pregnancy.

May 23, 2023

"My staff is probably going to talk to me about this later," Boebert prefaced her story. "But I left a prescription at a pharmacy once. I went to get birth control. I was there at the counter and went to pay for it. And the price was very, very high. I said, 'Wow, is this a three, six-month prescription?' 'No, ma'am, this is one month.' And I said, 'It's cheaper to have a kid,' and I left it there. And now I have my third son, Kaydon Boebert" (via The Hill).

For voters in Colorado’s 4th Congressional District this revelation raises concerns about Boebert's decision-making and her perceived lack of responsibility when it comes to family planning.

Boebert's comments at the Conservative Political Action Conference in March 2023 further highlight her unconventional views on teen pregnancy. She proudly announced that her eldest son, then 17, and his girlfriend were expecting their first child, making her a grandmother at the age of 36.

This revelation, coupled with Boebert's own experience of becoming a mother at a young age, raises questions about her endorsement of teen pregnancies, particularly in rural communities.

While Boebert claims that rural conservative communities value life and that teen pregnancy rates are higher in these areas due to their understanding of the preciousness of life, her own experiences and statements cast doubt on this assertion. The fact that Boebert herself had her first child at the age of 18 and dropped out of high school to care for him raises concerns about the consequences of early parenthood and the potential impact on educational and career opportunities.


Additionally, as critics point out, Boebert's comments about the affordability of contraception and her decision to forgo it imply a lack of responsibility and a disregard for the potential consequences of unprotected sex.

This permissive attitude towards teen pregnancy and sex out of marriage contradicts the conservative values and voting records of the majority of conservative Republicans who reside within Colorado’s 4th Congressional District.

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