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Biden's Energy Policies Spell Trouble for American Consumers

It’s not your imagination, gas prices are again on the rise.

What was seen as a temporary relief over the past year is proving to be short-lived, as the cost at the pump has been steadily rising in recent weeks. Despite the promises made by the Biden administration, their energy policies are failing American consumers.

At the start of this year, gas prices averaged around $3.2 per gallon, a number that gradually crept up to $3.4 per gallon by the end of the month. Subsequently, prices remained relatively stable above the $3 mark.

However, last month witnessed a sudden spike, with the national average reaching an alarming $3.8 per gallon. Today, gas prices continue their ascent, with the national average standing at a staggering $3.803 per gallon. The burden is only expected to increase, taking a toll on hardworking Americans already struggling to make ends meet.

One of the leading causes behind these escalating prices is the Biden administration's decision to impose a ban on oil drilling in Alaska. This move cancels seven Trump-era oil and gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and prohibits drilling on over 13 million acres in the federal National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska. President Biden claims this ban is necessary to protect the region from climate change. But at what cost?

The reality is that by restricting domestic oil production, we become more reliant on foreign countries for our energy needs. Recent oil production cuts in Russia and Saudi Arabia have sent shockwaves through global markets, pushing Brent crude oil prices above $91 a barrel for the first time in 10 months. This international benchmark directly impacts gasoline prices here at home.

recent poll conducted by Redfield & Wilton Strategies revealed that 70 percent of Americans believe gas prices have increased in their local area, reflecting the growing concerns over rising energy costs. This sentiment could become a significant obstacle for Joe Biden as he gears up for a potential 2024 campaign.

The survey, which sampled 1,500 eligible voters, found that even among those who voted for President Biden in 2020, 66 percent believed gas prices have increased. This indicates that his policies, particularly the oil drilling ban, have failed to deliver on the promises made during his campaign.

The American people need affordable energy to support their daily lives and economic well-being. While we can't entirely dismiss international factors that influence oil prices, it is clear that the Biden administration's energy policies are exacerbating the problem. By pushing for restrictive measures on domestic oil production, such as the ban on Alaskan drilling, they are compounding the burden felt by American consumers.

It is high time for President Biden to reevaluate his approach to energy policy. We need a strategy that prioritizes American energy security and ensures affordable and reliable access to fuel. It is the responsibility of our leaders to work towards a sustainable and prosperous future without burdening everyday Americans with rising gas prices and unnecessary energy restrictions.