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Biden's Approval Rating Takes a Nosedive Amidst Economic and Immigration Concerns

In recent weeks, President Joe Biden's approval ratings have been on a steady decline as two new national polls show American voters are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with his job performance. According to the polls from The Washington Post-ABC News and NBC News, a majority of voters are expressing disapproval with the direction of the country under Biden's leadership.

The Post-ABC poll revealed that Biden's disapproval rating has reached a staggering 56%, a warning sign for Democrats who expected more support for their chosen candidate. Additionally, the president is in a dead heat with former President Donald Trump in most general-election polling, proving that a significant portion of the American people are not satisfied with the current administration.

The disapproval numbers are consistent in both polls, with NBC reporting Biden's disapproval rating at its highest since he took office. ABC News' Gary Langer pointed out that in the Post-ABC poll, 44% of voters stated that they feel worse off than they did before Biden became president. This is the highest number for any president in the poll since Ronald Reagan in 1986.

One of the major concerns for voters is the state of the economy under Biden's policies. A majority of voters polled in the Post-ABC survey expressed discontent with the economy, food prices, energy and gas prices, the unemployment rate, and average wages.

In fact, 91% of voters agreed that the rising cost of food is a major negative, while 87% felt the same about gas and energy prices. Additionally, 74% of voters are worried about the state of the US economy, and 75% have concerns about wages.

The NBC poll also showed a striking dissatisfaction with the economy, with 50% of voters stating that they are "very dissatisfied" with the current economic state. The poll's analyst, Langer, suggests that several factors may be contributing to this trend, including Biden's poor performance ratings, the ongoing immigration crisis, and doubts about his age.

The constant negative news coverage of Biden's policies and actions, along with the immigration crisis, has played a major role in shaping public opinion and leading to these concerning poll numbers, as noted in Langer's analysis.