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Biden Flips on 'Trump's Border Wall”

It's no surprise that the Biden administration has once again gone through a complete 180 on its stance regarding one of President Trump's most successful policies - THE BORDER WALL. In a not-so-shocking move on Wednesday, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that it is waiving 26 federal laws in South Texas to allow for the immediate construction of the border wall.

This marks the first time that the Biden administration has used this power, which was widely employed during the Trump presidency.

The decision comes as no surprise to most of us, as the southern border has been facing a surge of illegal entries in recent months. But instead of addressing the root causes of this crisis, the Biden administration has now chosen to break its promise to the far left to stop construction on the border wall. Instead of admitting that the wall is an effective tool for maintaining border security, they have resorted to using this executive power to push their liberal agenda.

President Biden explains why border wall construction has begun in Texas citing this was already appropriated money for it. He also responded "no" to a question on whether border walls work.

This sudden change of heart is a slap in the face to the American people, who were promised a new, honest, and transparent administration. The DHS claims that this decision is necessary due to the "acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers" in order to prevent unlawful entries. But this is nothing more than a thinly veiled excuse to backtrack on their previous statement that a "massive wall" is not a serious solution to the border crisis.

The waivers granted by the DHS allow for the use of funds allocated by Congress in 2019 for the construction of the border wall. It conveniently avoids environmental reviews and lawsuits that may challenge the violation of federal laws. However, this decision has already sparked outrage from environmental advocates who are concerned about the destruction of habitats and public lands.

Moreover, the project will run through Starr County, which is home to numerous endangered species such as the Ocelot. But the DHS seems to have no regard for the impact their decision will have on these animals, as they continue to prioritize their own political agenda over the welfare of our wildlife.

Leading up to the 2020 election, Biden vowed to not build “another foot” of wall, mostly because Trump wanted one.Over the summer, the Biden administration reportedly sold off $300 million worth of wall parts for just $2 million.

This flip-flop on the border wall is just another example of the Biden administration's lack of integrity, consistency, and real leadership concerning our country's security. It is clear that they will do whatever it takes to appease their far-left base, even if it means going back on their promises and disregarding the well-being of our country.

Democratic Representative Henry Cuellar has rightfully spoken out against this wasteful spending on an ineffective solution. It's time for the Biden administration to wake up and realize that border security is not a political game - it's a serious issue that requires serious solutions.

The only silver lining in this decision is that it may signal a shift in the administration's thinking regarding the effectiveness of the border wall. They must now follow through and immediately start construction on the wall across the entire border to prevent illegal traffic from simply moving to other areas.

It's apparent to most that it's time for the Biden administration to admit that the border wall works and to put the safety and security of our nation first.