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Biden Administration Fails to Secure the Southern Border as Record Numbers of Migrants Flood In

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In a significant blow to the Biden administration’s border strategy, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced on Saturday that migrant numbers at the southern border for the month of September had reached a new high, with the highest monthly encounters on record. This comes as the highest fiscal year total on record, exposing the administration's failure to secure the porous border.

Customs and Border Protection reported 269,735 migrant encounters in September, out of which 218,763 were individuals entering the country illegally. This brings the total number of migrants at the southern border for Fiscal Year 2023 to a staggering 2.48 million. (Twitter)

CBP recorded 269,735 migrant encounters in September, out of which 218,763 were individuals entering the country illegally. This brings the total number of migrants at the southern border for Fiscal Year 2023 to a staggering 2.48 million, surpassing the 2.38 million in FY 2022 and 1.79 million in FY 2021. To put this into perspective, in FY 2020, there were only 458,088 encounters.

Additionally, CBP reported that 43,000 individuals were processed in through ports of entry via the controversial CBP One app, which allows migrants to schedule an appointment and be paroled into the U.S. This reckless policy has made it easier for illegal immigrants to enter our country, fueling the ongoing crisis at the border.

The alarming numbers continue to rise as 18 individuals on the terror watch list were caught trying to enter the U.S. between ports of entry.

Iran said the easiest way to come into America is through the southern border. “People are coming through. They’re not being vetted. We can’t wait for another 9/11,” Presidential candidate Nikki Haley. (Meet the Press)

This brings the total for fiscal year 2023 to a shocking 169, surpassing the combined numbers of the last six fiscal years. This is a clear threat to our national security, and the Biden administration seems to have no plan to address it.

In response to this crisis, acting CBP Commissioner Troy Miller said the agency is surging resources and personnel at the border. However, this is just temporary band-aid on an open wound. The White House recently asked Congress for a whopping $14 billion in funding for its border strategy, including more staffing and money for migrant services. But will this be enough to stop the dangerous influx of illegal migration?

Moreover, the Biden administration has been repeatedly touting its "lawful pathways" for migrants to enter the U.S. However, the numbers tell a different story. Currently, there are processing centers in Central America to help migrants identify refugee, parole, and other pathways to enter the U.S. This only encourages more illegal immigration and adds to the already overwhelming numbers.

There were 18 encounters of people on the terror watch list between ports of entry at the southern border, taking the total for FY 23 up to 169 — a new record and more than the last six fiscal years combined. (Twitter)

The disastrous policies of the Biden administration have led to not only a humanitarian crisis but also a security crisis at our southern border. Even Democratic officials in major cities like New York are raising concerns about the influx of migrants into their communities. And while the administration may claim that unlawful entries have decreased, the reality is that the numbers have skyrocketed in recent months.

As a response to the growing criticism, the Biden administration has attempted to change its narrative by touting some enforcement measures such as direct deportation flights to Venezuela and returning over 110,000 people since the end of Title 42. But these half-hearted efforts are not enough to address the ongoing crisis.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas recently cited an "acute and immediate need" to waive federal regulations to resume the construction of the border wall in South Texas. This comes after the administration has repeatedly promised to stop the building of the wall. It is clear that the administration is scrambling to fix their failed border strategy, but it may be too late.


House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green rightfully points out that this crisis is a result of Secretary Mayorkas’ refusal to enforce the law and secure our border. His policies have failed, and he must be held accountable.

In the midst of this crisis, the administration continues to ignore the facts and rely on their "lawful pathways" policy, leading to a dangerous influx of illegal migration. It’s time for the Biden administration to take immediate action to secure our southern border and protect Americans from this growing threat.

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