Aurora council passes statement of support for Israel after hours-long heated debate

"We're in a room full of pain."

The words, though spoken only once, echoed through the Aurora City Council's chamber for the entirety of Monday's four-hour meeting, during which people took turns speaking in support for or opposition to a resolution expressing the city's "abiding support of the people of Israel."

The words came from Randall Radetsky, who also cited Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel: "We must take sides, neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silencing encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."

"The question," Radetsky added, "is who's who?"

Radetsky was one of more than 60 people who showed up to testify passionately for and against the resolution in a debate that sometimes served as a microcosm of the raw emotions in America over the Israel-Hamas war. 

The resolution passed.

Early on in the meeting, a majority of councilmembers voted down a second resolution — brought forth by Juan Marcano — declaring Aurora's "abiding support of the people of Israel and Palestine." 

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