The Lobby

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Armstrong: Coverage of Marx-spouting legislator shows media bias

Imagine if a Republican, just appointed to the legislature through a vacancy committee, had called for “forceful cultural revolution” and praised such fascists as Enrico Corradini and Benito Mussolini.

Now imagine that most media accounts of the legislative appointment declined to mention those facts, emphasizing instead the Republican’s youth, former occupation as a teacher, and success as a “community organizer.” What would you think of the journalists writing such articles?

What I describe took place in Colorado, except the person appointed to the legislature is a Democrat, Tim Hernández, and he praised such Communists as Marx and Lenin. Marx-inspired Communist regimes slaughtered scores of millions of people.

True, Hernández said that the doctrines of Marx and Lenin are insufficient for revolution. He said, “We like to compete who knows Marx better, who knows these things better, who’s a Leninist. Listen, all right, I’ll give you a real take on this s––t. Kids don’t care.”

He continued, “Yes, it’s important to know theory. But you have to do some practices, you have to get out into the streets. You have to get into your workplace. You have to go to your families. If we are just sitting, talking in an ideological circle, our kids are still going to schools that are underfunded where they are investing more in their failure than in their success. Your theory will not save you. The revolution . . . will happen in the hood. It will not be led by who understand Lenin best, it will not be led by the deepest Marxists. The revolution will be led by the people.”

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