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An Earth justice Lawyer Joins a Marxist Abolitionist as Latest Appointments to Colorado House by Colorado Democrats

Another ultra-liberal candidate has been chosen to join the ranks of the already out-of-touch Colorado Democratic Party.

Manny Rutinel, a 28-year-old climate activist and former attorney for Earthjustice, will represent House District 32 in the Colorado Legislature. Selected by a vacancy committee, Rutinel's nomination was backed by outgoing Senator Dafna Michaelson Jenet and Dominick Moreno, adding to the list of fringe Democrats taking over the state's legislative positions.

Representative-Elect Manny Rutinel (HD 32)

With a platform focused on addressing poverty, economic anxiety, and pushing for a "safer environment," Rutinel's ideals align with those of the far-left agenda that has infiltrated the Colorado Democratic Party. But what about the needs of the rest of the state? Rutinel claims to want to be a voice for all Coloradans, regardless of where they come from, but his actions speak otherwise.

Not only is Rutinel taking over the remainder of Michaelson Jenet's term, but he is also actively campaigning for the November 2024 election. It seems the Democrats are more concerned with securing their own power than actually serving the people of Colorado.

Representative-Elect Manny Rutinel (HD 32)

And this is not the first time the Colorado Democratic Party has made controversial vacancy committee selections. In May alone, there have been three replacements.

Aside from the committees that selected Rutinel and Michaelson Jenet for their posts, Marxist Rep. Tim Hernández was picked to replace Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez after she was elected to the Denver City Council.

Colorado voters should be concerned about the direction their state is heading, with ultra-liberal and fringe candidates like Rutinel taking over important legislative positions. As the Legislature reconvenes in January, it is crucial for conservative voices to speak up and fight against the radical agenda being pushed by the Colorado Democratic Party.

Only then can true representation for all Coloradans – not just the interests of Denver and the metro area, but all of our great state – be achieved.